Madam chair,
I would like to thank Ireland for convening us today and focusing the Council on the impact of food insecurity and also thank the briefers for their comprehensive presentations. We agree that this is a topic where the Council has a clear stake and imperative to act, especially in concert with other parts of the international system.
We would like to highlight two potential Council actions to address the intersection of food and conflict:
First, the Council should continue to endorse action by humanitarian and development actors that addresses both short and long-term food insecurity. The Council’s endorsement is an important signal that can drive resource provision. We note, in particular, that proven tools such as anticipatory action, emergency response capacity-building and disaster risk reduction efforts can alleviate food insecurity in conflict settings.
We also emphasize, as we did in the March Arria-formula meeting on climate finance, that there is an urgent need for dramatically increased food and water investment in situations on the Council’s agenda. The resilience of local food and water systems is one of the most effective and lowest-cost options to prevent and manage food insecurity and conflict risk, yet UNDP reports that just $2 per person of climate finance flows to highly fragile countries. A correction here would be a major contribution to food security, as well as international peace and security.
Second, the Council should continue to bring attention to and be briefed on the specific gender and age dimensions of conflict-induced hunger. Council awareness and discussion of the unique needs of women, children, elderly, and persons with disabilities improves the effectiveness of our actions and accountability for support to those most disproportionately impacted. Furthermore, the Council must call for women’s full, equal, and meaningful inclusion and participation to address issues of conflict-related hunger. Their roles are critical for the well-being of all members of society, particularly during stabilization and post-conflict recovery.
Madam chair,
Mass, acute food insecurity is unacceptable in this day and age. Yet, it has been projected that 2022 will be the most food insecure year ever recorded. In this regard, we stress the importance of the Security Council’s role towards achieving international peace and security, and fulfilling its obligations to the people we serve.
I thank you.