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Mr. President,

At the outset, we would like to thank Mexico for organising today’s open debate and directing our attention to preventative diplomacy. We also extend our thanks to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly, the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for their valuable insights.

Peace and security are multifaceted concepts linked to sustainable development, women’s empowerment, and the rule of law. If we do not approach them holistically, they are elusive. That is why the Security Council—the primary body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security—must enhance its coordination with other UN organs to better deliver on its mandate. A Council that is more open and receptive to cooperation with other UN bodies, as well as with external stakeholders, is also a Council with more effective outcomes.

In our collective mission to make the UN and its organs better deliver on its promises for “We the peoples,” we must shift gears in our approach from a strategy that mostly focuses on conflict management to one that prioritizes prevention. In this regard, we welcome the Secretary-General’s focus on prevention in the “Our Common Agenda” report, particularly the proposal for “a new agenda for peace”. Without a doubt, addressing the root causes of conflict will yield long-term benefits that foster a culture of peace and build more resilient and stable communities.

Mr President,

We would like to draw this body’s attention to the emerging challenges that have been identified in recent years and are clear examples of why the Council should collaborate with the rest of the UN system to achieve shared goals.

The Security Council would benefit from enhancing and standardizing its analysis of climate change-driven security implications on issues currently on the agenda. This includes building on the work of the Climate Security Mechanism and the Council’s Informal Expert Group on climate security. During our upcoming term on the Security Council, the UAE will champion innovative approaches, such as using satellite imagery to identify climate-related risks that could spur conflict. Predictive modelling and access to early data will prepare the Council to act sooner and more effectively.

Additionally, we are all clear that a world where women are empowered is a world where peace and prosperity is more durable. Women are important pillars in their communities who can better drive peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. It is critical that the international community ensures their full, equal and meaningful participation across all sectors of society to build resilience, guarantee stability, and promote prosperous and peaceful societies.

To respond to these cross-cutting issues we need to supplement near-term strategies with approaches that strengthen long-term resilience.

Mr. President,

Maintaining regular communication and transparency between the Council and wider UN membership is vital for our collective peace and security. This cannot be limited to an annual report submitted to the General Assembly. The UAE supports regular engagement on shared priorities, from engagement with ECOSOC and the Peacebuilding Commission on mission transitions and other agenda items, to regular meetings between the incoming President of the Council and the President of the General Assembly. 

The UAE also supports greater interaction between the Council and the International Court of Justice in accordance with its mandates under the UN Charter. The ICJ plays an vital role in the peaceful resolution of disputes, as evidenced by the geographical diversity and wide variety of cases currently before it. The Court also contributes positively to the rule of law at the international level and plays a key role in defusing tensions among States.

Finally, we want to emphasize the critical role of regional organizations in conflict prevention. With crises in the Middle East occupying a significant portion of the Security Council’s agenda, the Council and the League of Arab States would benefit from closer cooperation in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and sustaining peace. In this regard, we support the holding of an annual briefing on cooperation between the UN and the League of Arab States. 

Mr. President,

In conclusion, we hope that today’s open debate will help further efforts on this body’s cooperation with other UN organs to better deliver on its mandate. The UAE will be a reliable partner in this journey, particularly when we take a seat at this table in 2022.

Thank you.