Delivered by Ambassador and Permanent Representative Lana Nusseibeh
Thank you, Mr. President,
The United Arab Emirates reiterates again our forceful condemnation of all violations of international humanitarian law committed in Ukraine. Civilians are bearing the brunt of this conflict. And this must end, and they must be spared, and parties must comply with their obligations under international law.
Determining the facts on the ground is important for justice to be rendered to victims, but also in the longer term to allow communities to heal, to reconcile, and to build sustainable peace. As a member of the Human Rights Council, we voted in favor of Resolution 49/1 urgently establishing an international independent commission of inquiry to investigate all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law in Ukraine. The members of the Commission were appointed on 30 March, and their investigations have only just begun.
Due process demands that investigative mechanisms be able to conclude their work. Today we decided to abstain on this resolution, because we need to ensure that any decision we take in this General Assembly is based on due process, in line with resolution 60/251.
The United Nations is based on the premise of dialogue and constructive engagement with each other, and even with those who hold opposing views to us. The organizations that make up our international system were not established to be a club for the likeminded.
We need to preserve spaces in the multilateral arena to talk to each other, and not just at each other. And that idea is in the foundational DNA of this organization. Our collective strength lies on our inclusivity. So now is the time to double down on diplomatic outreach in order to reach an immediate cessation of hostilities
throughout Ukraine. And we support the ongoing negotiations between Ukraine and Russia and offer our full support to all mediation efforts. Now it is time to find a way through this conflict towards peace.
Thank you, Mr. President.