Delivered by: Fatema Yousuf, First Secretary
Thank you, and I thank the Secretary-General for his latest policy briefs and his continued guidance.
The UAE would like to share the following comments:
First, on the International Finance Architecture, the UAE fully supports ambitious progress on IFI reform this year. The concrete recommendations in the SG’s policy brief will contribute not only to how we frame reform but also to how we go about it, as we build upon existing proposals like the Bridgetown Initiative and the SG’s SDG Stimulus. The UAE will remain to be particularly engaged on this issue in our capacity as president of COP28.
We believe that the reform of IFI can effectively address the urgent climate needs along with development goals. IFIs must also explore innovative mechanisms to scale up private financial flows to developing economies.
Second, the UAE understands the concerns that GDP fails to capture items like human well-being and environmental integrity. Metrics other than GDP can serve as a powerful tool to inform policymaking and lead to better-informed decisions on development, and could lead to better outcomes in terms of resilience.
Third, the UAE believes in promoting inclusive cooperation, coordination and dialogue with all stakeholders, to harness the potential of digital technologies for global peace and prosperity. We support an inclusive Global Digital Compact, so that we can tackle the evolving challenges of a digital future.
Fourth, the UAE firmly believes in the right of all member states to develop their capabilities in space systems in a peaceful and sustainable manner. We support international efforts in disarmament and nonproliferation.
Finally, the UAE seeks to be a productive and helpful partner in addressing the key issues outlined in Our Common Agenda. We look forward to continuing constructive engagement ahead of the Summit next year.
I thank you.