Delivered by: His Excellency Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative

Mr. President,

The United Arab Emirates wishes to extend its thanks to the Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe for facilitating the negotiations on this important resolution, as well as their exemplary hosting of the Kimberley Process plenary in Victoria Falls last November. As Vice Chair, the UAE has had the honour to work closely with Zimbabwe and we commend its significant achievements.

The unanimous adoption of today’s resolution speaks to the determination of the international community that the Kimberley Process continues to carry out its vital mandate.

For more than two decades, the Process has been a success story in preventing the illicit trade in conflict diamonds. At the same time, it has demonstrated that significant inroads can be achieved when a broad range of stakeholders from across government, the private sector, and civil society work together, while at the same time contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Now, 21 years since its inception, it is important more than ever to strengthen the Kimberley Process framework.

As such, the UAE, as the current Chair of the Kimberley Process, has identified three key objectives for delivery in 2024.

First, to establish a permanent secretariat of the Process in Gaborone, Botswana, which was just approved through written procedure at the end of March. We look forward to the inauguration of this secretariat office later in the year.

Second, to ensure the reviews and reform cycle of the Process will be completed also by the end of this year.

And third, to identify opportunities for strengthening the process through the use of digital technologies.

When it comes to the Kimberley Process, the UAE is dubbing 2024 as the ‘Year of Delivery’.

Mr. President,

I want to take this opportunity to highlight that there will be two further decisive moments for the Kimberley Process later this year, both hosted in Dubai: the Intersessional in May and the Plenary Session taking place in November.

Through these meetings, and our ongoing work, we look forward to deepening our cooperation with all participants and observers in this important process.

Thank you, Mr. President.