Delivered by: Ahmed AlMahmoud, Security Council Affairs Adviser


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Mr. President,

I thank Special Representative Salvador, Executive Director Russell, Executive Director Waly, and Ms. Manigat for their briefings. I also welcome the participation of the representatives of Haiti, Dominican Republic, as well as the representative of Jamaica.

Mr. President,

We deeply regret that the situation in Haiti continues to deteriorate, particularly in terms of the worsening security, economic and humanitarian conditions. We have heard the clear message from leaders in the Caribbean region – we must not allow ourselves to have Haiti fatigue and we cannot become desensitized to this ongoing situation.

Accordingly, the UAE would like to focus on following points.

We must continue to focus on addressing Haiti’s growing violence and insecurity. This includes preventing sexual and gender-based violence and, paying special attention to the dire situation of children. As we heard today from Executive Director Russell, children continue to be at the brunt of the security crisis as gangs continue to recruit them into their ranks. They are exploited in the absence of safe spaces and access to education, especially with hindered accessing owning to ongoing insecurity. Addressing the security situation must remain a priority.

We therefore welcome this month’s adoption of the UNSC resolution that authorized the deployment of a Multinational Security Support mission, in close coordination with the Haitian National Police, to address gang violence. This step is important but must be complemented with a holistic approach, involving all relevant actors and in tandem with other initiatives. We believe, for example, that close coordination with United Nations bodies on the ground, such as BINUH, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Panel of Experts, is essential for achieving coherent results.

Mr. President,

We express our concern in the lack of progress in the political track and reiterate that the security track must work in parallel to the political track. We therefore once again call on all stakeholders to engage in good faith to arrive at an inclusive Haitian-led and owned political consensus. In this regard, we continue to support the role of the BINUH and the critical regional role of CARICOM in driving that goal forward. We echo the CARICOM Eminent Persons Group that “the interests of the people of Haiti must be the overriding concern of all stakeholders.”

Finally, we must continue to support measures to prevent and combat the trafficking and proliferation of illegal arms and illicit financial flows, which undermines the stability of Haiti and the region. In this context, we welcome last week’s adoption in the Council to renew the sanctions measures targeting gangs in Haiti and their financiers, as well as a total arms embargo. We also reiterate our appreciation for the efforts of UNODC in supporting Haiti build its capacity to tackle anti-corruption.

In conclusion, the dire humanitarian situation in Haiti, with chronic food and water insecurity, widespread poverty, and a shrinking economy, as well implications of climate change exacerbating conditions and fueling instability, can be alleviated if the security and political situation is resolved through concerted and comprehensive efforts by Haiti, region, and the international community.  A nation that is stable, strong, and capable of protecting its values, traditions, sovereignty, and independence are fundamental principles which the people of every nation, including Haiti, are entitled to enjoy. This Council and the international community must continue to support Haitian people to achieve their vision for a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Haiti.

Thank you, Mr. President.