Delivered by: HE Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative

Mr. President,

I would like to begin by commending Algeria for organising this timely debate and to thank Minister Attaf for presiding over today’s discussions.

I also thank Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, and Mr. Said Djinnit for their informative briefings.

Mr. President,

As we have heard today, the epicenter of terrorism has shifted to Africa, devastating countries in the Sahel, the Lake Chad Basin and the Horn of Africa.

Terrorist acts unleash indiscriminate violence against civilians, destabilize entire regions and undermine the foundations of human dignity.

As a result, this grave threat continues to erode peace, security, and development in Africa.

Against this backdrop, the United Arab Emirates has three recommendations for countering terrorism on the African continent: 

First, we must use African tools and African frameworks to build national capacity.

When it comes to combatting terror on the continent, the international community does not need to start from scratch.

By leveraging African-led initiatives, we can achieve a more effective and sustainable approach to counter-terrorism.

One that respects sovereignty, builds national capacity, and strengthens regional security architectures.

The African Union Counter Terrorism Centre can be a key resource for research, capacity-building, and the exchange of best practices.

Centers such as these can equip African states with the tools and expertise they need to address evolving terrorist threats.

Second, it is essential that we address the underlying causes of terrorism and extremism.

Conflict, economic instability, and the climate crisis can create fertile ground for these threats to take root.

Preventive measures, such as promoting tolerance and peaceful coexistence, can help counter extremist narratives and build resilient societies.

Such initiatives should not only ensure women’s full, equal, and meaningful participation and leadership, but also involve other key stakeholders such as civil society, youth, and religious leaders.

Through an inclusive approach, Member States and regional partners can reinforce trust within and between communities.

Security Council Resolution 2686 on Tolerance, Peace, and Security, represented an important step in recognizing that extremism, incitement, hate speech, and racism can contribute to conflict.

This resolution should be fully implemented to enhance societal resilience which will contribute to preventing conflict and the scourge of extremism and terrorism.

Third, counter-terrorism efforts require sustainable and adequate funding.

Existing funding gaps pose a significant challenge, particularly with the threat of terrorism and its destabilizing impacts on the rise across the continent.  

This is why the Security Council should explore ways to strengthen funding for regional counter-terrorism efforts, including within the framework of Resolution 2719.

Simply calling for peace and security is not enough; we must invest in it.

Mr. President,

Only through international collaboration can the global threat of terrorism be effectively prevented and countered.

Together we can secure a more peaceful and prosperous future for the African continent and all its people.

We must be relentless in the pursuit of that future.

Thank you, Mr. President.