Delivered by: Ms. Ghasaq Shaheen, Political Coordinator

Madam President,

I thank High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk for his briefing. I have also listened to the briefing from the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK, Elizabeth Salmón, as well as the impressive briefing and appeal by the civil society representative, Mr. Kim.

The UAE condemns the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s continued development of its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, which constitutes a clear threat – not only to the DPRK’s neighbors, but also to international peace and security. We demand for the DPRK to respect international law and to ensure it is compliant with relevant Security Council resolutions. This includes ceasing its ballistic missile launches.

Madam President,

The UAE attaches great importance to international human rights law as well as the fundamental responsibility of each State to protect and advance human rights within its borders and jurisdiction, which is a cardinal principle of the UN system.  The reports from the UN on the continued human rights violations in the DPRK – including sexual violence against women, gender-based violence, and the abduction of foreign-country nationals, among other violations – remain concerning. UN reports have indicated that over 40% of the DPRK’s population suffers from severe food shortages, and up to 20% of children suffer from stunted growth. In this regard, my country emphasizes the importance of strengthening cooperation between the DPRK and the respective UN bodies, mechanisms, and committees on human rights, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. We also underscore the need for positive and effective engagement with these entities in a manner that contributes to the promotion and protection of human rights.

The humanitarian organizations dedicated to serving the population operate on the basis of humanity, neutrality, and impartiality. Their apolitical, lifesaving work has historically improved the situation of civilians in the DPRK. Therefore, we look forward to the return of the UN and relief organizations in DPRK aimed at supporting the wellbeing of those in need. We also encourage the DPRK to prioritize the welfare of its people and allocate more resources towards food security and development needs.

In conclusion, the UAE stresses the importance of putting an end to escalation, confrontation, and stalemate by pursuing constructive dialogue and peaceful diplomacy as well as refraining threats and provocation. This approach is the best way to reduce tensions and restore confidence in the pursuit of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. We also encourage the DPRK to cooperate with United Nations bodies and the international community on all issues related to peace, security, non-proliferation and human rights. Simultaneously, we emphasize the importance of a unified approach by the Security Council in addressing threats to international peace and security, including threats to the Korean Peninsula.

Thank you, Madam President.