Delivered By: His Excellency Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé d’Affaires a.i.
Mr. President,
I’d like to thank Foreign Minister and Chairperson-in-office Osmani for his insightful remarks.
The current situation on the continent should encourage us all to reflect on what the international community has learned since the end of World War II. It should also lead us to recommit to the very principles that are mirrored in both the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act adopted by the predecessor of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, namely, the respect for the sovereignty of all nations, the peaceful resolution of disputes, and the prohibition of the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.
The UN benefits significantly from working with regional organizations – such as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – to maintain international peace and security. The UN’s work with the OSCE is a good example of the way in which both organizations can leverage their respective strengths to prevent crises, promote diplomatic solutions, monitor agreements, and avoid the reoccurrence of conflict.
That function remains more essential than ever in the current context, a time in which the OSCE is facing a fundamental challenge due to the war in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict has shattered countless lives and uprooted more than 8 million people, the vast majority of which are seeking refuge in OSCE states. However, this is not exclusively a European issue: the conflict has exacerbated food insecurity, nuclear risks, and polarization across the globe. It has also caused deep divisions within the OSCE area and amongst its participating States.
At the same time, in the Western Balkans, the encouraging dynamics that led to an EU-facilitated agreement between Kosovo and Serbia in February must be reinforced and built upon. As we have seen in recent days, more work needs to be done to implement those commitments. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, hate speech continues to undermine peaceful coexistence and tolerance, which remain essential pillars for diverse and resilient societies, and could help the country move forward.
Whether it is facilitating cooperation, encouraging diplomatic action and dialogue, or seeking to de-escalate tensions, the goal of multilateral institutions is clear; it is to collectively and constructively address common challenges. The Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe has served as an important forum for strengthening understanding and promoting such dialogue in Europe for decades.
Since its establishment in 1990, the OSCE has had an important role in addressing conflicts on the continent thanks to the constructive engagement of its wide membership. For the OSCE to continue playing that role today, this must remain at the heart of the organization. The OSCE’s diplomacy and de-escalation efforts are needed now more than ever.
Mr. President,
In the 1970s, the Helsinki Process contributed to building confidence and de-escalating tensions during the post-World War II era.
Today, there is a clear need to encourage this same spirit of substantive dialogue and mutual trust to promote a return to stability in Europe.
For our part, the UAE will remain a partner in this effort to build bridges and maintain trust as we strive to maintain international peace and security.
Thank you, Mr. President.