Delivered by: Ghasaq Shaheen, Political Coordinator

Mr. President,

I thank Deputy High Representative Ebo for his valuable briefing, and I welcome the participation of the representative of Ukraine in today’s meeting.

Essential to the right to self-defence that all member states possess is the ability to develop defence capabilities. With such activities come certain risks, and with those risks, responsibility for mitigation.

To that end, we stress the importance of taking measures to safeguard weapons during their transfer, storage, and deployment.

We once again affirm our support for the efforts made by the United Nations, in cooperation with Member States, to develop standards and best practices in the pursuit of the global enhancement of weapons safety. This includes the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects, as supported by the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.

Mr. President,

Armed conflict, and the chaos that so often accompanies it, creates a set of conditions that could lead to unforeseen and unfortunate consequences. And so the UAE urges all parties to mitigate the risks associated with arms transfer, storage, and deployment, particularly in the situation of armed conflict.

Ultimately, the most effective way to address the risks associated with the transfer, storage, and deployment of weapons in a time of war is to bring the conflict to a definitive end.

As we have done before and we will continue to do, we urge all parties to the conflict in Ukraine to abide by their obligation under international humanitarian law. The protection of civilians and civilian objects is paramount.

Though the numbers of deaths, casualties, and displacement of civilians provide a stark reminder of the cost this war has wrought on the people of Ukraine, the invisible trauma and long-lasting impacts on the population will also leave their indelible mark. 

The UAE stands ready to work with all partners in the pursuit of dialogue and diplomacy, and to pave the way towards a just and sustainable peace that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity in line with the UN Charter.

I thank you, Mr. President.