Delivered By: Her Excellency Lana Nusseibeh, Ambassador and Permanent Representative
Mr. President,
The UAE unequivocally condemns the September 2022 sabotage against the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. These criminal acts caused severe environmental harm and endangered global energy security. Sabotage against transboundary energy infrastructure gravely concerns the international community.
The principles of sovereignty and international cooperation are vital in addressing threats to global energy security. We recognize the importance of the ongoing national investigations of Denmark, Germany, and Sweden and stress the need for national authorities to conduct thorough inquiries. And, we urge transparency in sharing their findings with the relevant actors.
Global energy security demands sovereign states’ collaboration. The UAE knows firsthand the necessity of cooperation and information sharing during investigations. For this reason, we are encouraged by Denmark’s invitation to the pipeline operator to retrieve an object possibly related to the sabotage. We hope that this is a signal that increased cooperation between investigating countries and stakeholders will be forthcoming in the near future.
Mr. President,
We abstained on the draft resolution as national investigations continue and we encourage the expansion of last week’s cooperative efforts as well a clear deadline for the investigations’ conclusions. Committed to addressing this issue, we emphasise that global energy security is vital for every country and reiterate the paramount importance of protecting energy infrastructure.
Thank you.