Delivered by: Aysha AlMenhali, Second Secretary
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Mr. President,
First, I would like to thank the Deputy High Representative, Mr. Edo, for his briefing and we listened carefully to Ms. Mary’s statement. We welcome Ukraine’s participation in this meeting.
Regarding the topic of discussion today, and as we mentioned in previous meetings, all member states of the United Nations have the right to self-defense, including by developing their security and defense capabilities. However, we stress at the same time that this requires appropriate oversight mechanisms, especially with regard to the transfer, storage, and distribution of weapons, due to its potential repercussions on regional and international security and stability.
In this context, we renew our welcome to all measures taken to address the risk of arms diversion in the context of the war in Ukraine.
We also affirm the value of efforts such as the “Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects” with the support of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs.
We stress here the importance of continuing to build on such efforts, including by continuing to exchange information and enhancing coordination and cooperation at all levels.
However, eliminating all threats and repercussions related to this conflict will not be possible without a permanent and sustainable cessation of hostilities, which requires us to spare no effort in supporting all endeavors aimed achieving peace in Ukraine, which respects its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, in line with the UN Charter. This is what the UAE will continue to advocate and support.
In the meantime, until this war stops, we continue to stress the need for the concerned parties to do everything in their power to limit the repercussions of the conflict and reduce its risks, including by complying with their obligations in accordance with international humanitarian law.
Thank you, Mr. President.