Delivered by: Ms. Reem AlAmeri

Mr. Chair,

Thank you for facilitating this interactive dialogue. We thank the High Commissioner for his briefing today.

The UAE remains committed to the promotion and protection of human rights. We continue to promote the values of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and cultural pluralism as an important lever for this.

With increasingly devastated conflicts around the world, particularly in the Middle East, we are witnessing the selective application of the protection of human rights – not least of the Palestinians and the Lebanese people. Today’s discussion, which has focused on respect for the principles of the UN Charter, upholding the rule of law and adherence to obligations under international law, is more relevant than ever.

Additionally, the UAE supports strengthening the interlinkages between multilateralism and promoting and protecting human rights. This is a priority for the UAE, including during our 2022-2024 Human Rights Council term. The recently adopted Pact for the Future and its annexes are another important tool in the multilateral system’s framework in advancing human rights.

[Moreover, looking ahead, next year’s commemoration of the Beijing Declaration’s thirtieth anniversary will provide a significant opportunity for the international community to recommit to women and girls’ rights more specifically.]

In this vein, I would like to ask you two questions: First, what specific strategies does your office have to promote tolerance and peaceful coexistence? And second, how do you plan on implementing the Pact for the Future within your office to further promote and protect human rights globally?

In conclusion, my delegation reaffirms the UAE’s commitment to the UN Charter and international law, including international human rights law. We would also like to take this opportunity to express the UAE’s appreciation to you, High Commissioner, and we look forward to continuing to work and cooperate with you and your Office.

I thank you.