Mr. Chairman,

I would like at the outset to align the United Arab Emirates statement with the statement of the Non-Aligned Movement, and the statement of the Arab League. I am also pleased to extend our sincere appreciation to the President and members of the United Nations Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, on their ongoing efforts in revealing the illegal practices committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.

Mr. Chairman,

The Committee’s last report confirms that Israel has continued its illegal actions in the occupied Palestinian territories and the Syrian Golan, most notably, the expansion of Israeli settlements, incessant violence by Israeli settlers against the Palestinians, the destruction of Palestinian property, land confiscation, forced displacement of Palestinians, the excessive use of force by the Israeli forces against Palestinians, the continuation of the blockade on Gaza, in addition to the deteriorating situation of Palestinian prisoners, including children, and the exploitation of the natural resources in the occupied Palestinian territories and the Golan Heights. Moreover, Israel continues its acts of provocation, racial incitement and illegal tampering with Holy Sites.

These illegal practices have led to the deterioration of the humanitarian, economic and social conditions of the Palestinians, and escalation of violence in the Occupied Palestinian territories. They also caused higher unemployment rates that reached around 40 percent in Gaza earlier this year, in addition to spread of despair and hopelessness among Palestinians as a result of the occupation and the siege. The situation is exacerbated by the exploitation of youth by terrorist and extremist groups, who take advantage of youth grievances and frustration in their recruitment. Therefore, it is necessary for Israel to cease all of its practices which in flagrant violation of international law, international humanitarian law, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, relevant resolutions, and the principle of land for peace. 

Mr. Chairman,

We in the UAE are concerned about the escalation of violence and counter violence in the occupied Palestinian territories, and the absence of a just solution on the horizon that returns to the Palestinian people their inalienable rights. The plight and suffering of the Palestinian people is nearing its seventh decade due to the subpar management of crises without seeking serious solutions by major actors and prominent powers. Therefore, we call on the international community and the Security Council to take all necessary measures to save the two-state solution, and put an end to the Israeli occupation of all Arab territories including the occupied Golan, and allow the Palestinian people to live a normal life and achieve the progress and prosperity aspired and acquired by the other nations of the world. In this regard, we emphasize that achieving stability and security in the region is pertinent to finding a just and lasting solution that allows Palestinians to establish their independent Palestinian State, based on pre-1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital, according to relevant resolutions, the Arab peace initiative, and the Madrid principles.

Finally, we hope that the Secretariat boosts its support for the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices, considering its important role in documenting the suffering of the Palestinian people, and exposing the Israeli violations committed against them. In this context, we call on the international community to exert pressure on Israel to cooperate with the committee members and allow them to access to the occupied Palestinian territories, in accordance with the General Assembly’s relevant resolutions.

Thank you,