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Mr. President,
At the outset, the UAE would like to thank Mexico for organizing this meeting as well as President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for presiding over this debate. We also extend our thanks to Secretary-General António Guterres and Ms. Lourdes Tiban Guala for their important briefings.
Addressing the root causes of conflict – particularly those that exacerbate discrimination and widen inequality gaps within societies – has proven to be one of the most effective ways to maintain international peace and security. This has become even more apparent with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to highlight exclusion within societies. It is critical for the Security Council to bring these issues to the forefront in order to focus on preventive action.
Mr. President,
The UAE would like to draw attention to four areas that are crucial for addressing exclusion, inequality, and poverty in the prevention and resolution of conflicts:
First, governments have the primary responsibility to provide educational and economic opportunities for all. Such government-led action can prevent widening inequality gaps and, in turn, address the long-standing drivers of conflict. To that end, it is critical to ensure the inclusion and engagement of women and youth in both national strategies and measures to build resilience that guarantee stable, prosperous, and peaceful societies.
Second, the Council must ensure that strategies and mandates of peace operations are designed for and with local communities from the outset. Mandates should include perspectives from a broad range of local grassroot actors, particularly women and youth leaders, to directly incorporate and address their needs and eliminate risks of exclusion or discrimination. We recognize the importance of the Peacebuilding Commission and the significant value that its recommendations can add to the Council’s work.
Inclusion of these different perspectives can deliver durable, nationally-owned solutions to tackle deeply rooted challenges, and this is a key element of successful and sustainable conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding.
Third, developing strategies that embed a rule of law approach in conflict and post-conflict settings will guarantee long-term stability, but it requires a coordinated response. As UN peacekeeping and special political missions work on the ground with various communities, it is equally important for them to build local capacity to uphold and strengthen the rule of law. By providing advice, training, and technical support, missions can create the necessary conditions to re-establish the rule of law, and, in turn, protect civilians, pave the way to peacebuilding, and reconstruct communities.
Finally, fighting corruption remains critical to maintaining good governance and the rule of law. Mechanisms like the UN Convention Against Corruption and its Abu Dhabi Declaration of 2019 provide important obligations and commitments for states parties, particularly with respect to regional and international cooperation and exchanging information related to corruption.
We also encourage states to support the important work of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in providing technical assistance. Earlier this year, the UAE signed an agreement with UNODC to establish a programme to support the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Declaration.
Beginning in January, the UAE’s upcoming Security Council term will be guided by the pillars of advancing inclusion and building resilience. We remain committed to driving these concepts forward in our contribution to conflict prevention and resolution.
Thank you, Mr. President.