Mr. Mohammad Bastaki, Counsellor

I would like to thank Slovenia, Guyana, Republic of Korea, and Sierra Leone for convening this meeting. I’d also like to thank the briefers for their thoughtful contributions.

This debate could not have been more timely. Countries on the frontlines of climate-related disasters are facing immense challenges in managing their effects. Many of these nations, often with limited resources and infrastructure, struggle to respond effectively to the growing number of extreme weather events. This increasing strain on fragile and conflict-affected countries is creating a significant burden also on global humanitarian budgets. The need for emergency aid, disaster relief, and long-term recovery assistance is escalating, stretching financial resources thin. Moreover, the economic toll of these disasters exacerbates the already precarious financial situations of these nations undermining global efforts to achieve sustainable development goals.

In the context of climate security, water-related conflicts are becoming an increasingly critical issue as well. As climate change accelerates, it aggravates water scarcity and variability, intensifying competition over this vital resource. The impacts are felt most acutely in regions already vulnerable due to political, economic, and social stressors. Water scarcity can lead to significant tensions between communities, regions, even nations. These conflicts are not merely about water; they also ultimately affect food security, energy production, and overall economic stability, thus creating broader climate security challenges. The UAE’s COP28 Presidency and the decision adopted under the UAE Consensus made significant strides to bring closer climate and security through its action agenda, primarily by spotlighting the particular financial needs of fragile and conflict-affected states. The widespread endorsement of the ‘Declaration on Climate, Relief Recovery and Peace’ by over 91 countries and 43 organizations demonstrates a growing recognition that the nexus of climate, peace and security, and humanitarian issues are imperative to be brought to attention. It is our hope that this work will be taken forward at COP29 in Baku.

Moreover, there is an urgent need to fund gender-responsive climate action that ensures women’s equal, and meaningful participation at all levels, including in decision-making. The UAE’s strategic partnership with UN Women includes the establishment and operationalization of a flexible and rapid funding mechanism through a Women’s Climate Fund. This Fund aims to support women’s civil society and grassroots organizations in building their capacities, as well as strengthening gender-responsive policies and investments around climate resilience.

The United Nations Security Council has a pivotal role in addressing the nexus between climate, peace and security, and it should consistently integrate climate security considerations into peacebuilding efforts and peacekeeping mandates.

Finally, the international community must prioritize and scale up efforts to build resilience and support sustainable development in fragile and conflict-affected regions, ensuring that financial resources are effectively utilized to address both immediate needs and long-term challenges posed by climate change. The UAE is committed to supporting global climate action and recognizes the vital importance of sustainable management of natural resources to ensure a prosperous and secure future for all.

Thank you.