Delivered by: Ghasaq Shaheen, Political Coordinator
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Mr. Chairman,
At the outset, I would like to congratulate you on assuming the presidency of the First Committee, and wish you all success. I also thank your predecessor, the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, for his successful leadership the work of this Committee during the last session.
The United Arab Emirates wishes to associate itself with the statements of the Arab Group and the Non-Aligned Movement.
Mr. Chairman,
The UAE believes that intensifying multilateral action is the most effective way to address all aspects of disarmament and international security issues, especially amid the escalating armed conflicts and challenges led to the erosion of the global disarmament and non-proliferation system, and the declining commitment of member states towards the obligations of this system.
This is why we continue to stress the importance of respecting international agreements and instruments on disarmament and non-proliferation by member states, especially the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, which constitutes the main pillar of the global nuclear disarmament regime. Concrete steps must be taken to enhance the universality and implementation of this treaty.
In line with our commitment to the non-proliferation regime, the UAE concluded a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency and signed its additional protocol, which is a reliable mechanism to ensure that the nuclear materials and facilities are exclusively used for peaceful purposes.
The UAE reiterates its call to States, whose nuclear activities are questionable, to provide the necessary cooperation and practical responses to the IAEA’s inquiries, while also taking all required steps to address international concerns related to the nature of their nuclear activities to restore confidence in the exclusive peaceful nature of their programs.
In this regard, we remain concerned about Iran’s continued expansion and development of its nuclear program in violation of its international obligations, and also about the outstanding issues referred to in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s reports regarding Iran’s implementation of the safeguards system, and its continued development of ballistic missiles, all of which threaten regional security and stability. Therefore, the UAE adds its voice to many countries calling on Iran to fulfill its international obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the IAEA Safeguards Agreement, and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Iran must also stop all activities undermining the global non-proliferation regime.
There is no doubt that establishing lasting stability and security in the Middle East region requires intensified work to make it free of lethal weapons. In this regard, we look forward to participating in the fourth session of the conference on establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, to be held under the presidency of the State of Libya in November of this year, and we thank Lebanon and the other countries chaired previous sessions.
On the other hand, the UAE condemns the continued development of the DPRK’s nuclear and missile programs in violation of Security Council resolutions, and we stress the need for the DPRK to respect its relevant international obligations and cooperate, to maintain peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.
In light of the existing nuclear weapons and the continuous pursuit by some member states to acquire and develop these weapons through nuclear programs of a questionable nature, it is important for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty to enter into force. In this regard, we call on the Annex II states to take urgent steps to sign and ratify this treaty, to facilitate its entry into force.
Mr. Chairman,
As malicious attacks targeting critical infrastructure continue to increase, the UAE stresses the importance of strengthening international efforts and capabilities and developing modern technologies to counter these threats and build a secure global information society. In this context, my country supports the frameworks that seek to regulate the security of information and telecommunications, and prevent the harmful use of cyberspace, which has become a threat to the entire world.
In conclusion, the UAE stresses the importance of reaching consensus to achieve progress on the outstanding issues on disarmament and international security, and following an approach that enhances joint action under the auspices of the United Nations and ensures effective and equal participation of women and youth in these issues. The UAE will continue to support all international efforts aimed at establishing a world free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
Thank you, Mr. President.