Delivered by Mr. Majid Al Mutawa, Alternate Political Coordinator and Sanctions Coordinator


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Mr. President,

I would like to start by thanking the penholder France for facilitating consultations on the draft resolution.

The UAE shares the Council’s commitment to supporting all efforts towards peace and stability in the DRC.

The UAE therefore engaged constructively in negotiations on this resolution, and we had hoped to reach consensus on the text. We would have liked to have seen greater consideration given to the concerns of some members of the Council, including the 3 African members, with regards to the notification requirement under the arms embargo. As we have previously stated, regional perspectives are essential to informing the Council’s responses to conflict and its drivers, particularly those with cross-border ramifications.

The UAE voted in favor of the resolution, taken as a whole, because its broader objectives are a matter upon which all Members of this Council agree.

I thank you, Mr. President.