Check against delivery
Madam President,
At the outset, I would like to thank Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, for her informative briefing.
Madam President,
The UAE is closely monitoring recent developments. In the context of our discussion today, I would like to focus on the following aspects:
First, the UAE firmly believes that the dispute in Europe requires various countries in the region to engage in a serious dialogue based on the values of stability, coexistence, and peace. We stress the importance of reaching a negotiated solution to this issue through the available mechanisms, and with the support of regional organizations. We refer here to the Normandy Format talks and the initiative of the Chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) that aims to initiate a substantive dialogue on European security to address the security concerns of its members. We also welcome President Volodymyr Zelensky’s appeal for calm, and we hope to build on it to further build confidence in the region.
Second, the UAE welcomes the announcement made in the Normandy Format meeting on 26 January, in which the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine confirmed their intention to implement an unconditional ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. We are counting on the various initiatives currently underway to allow for dialogue, including between the United States and the Russian Federation, whose existing diplomatic efforts must be supported and given space to achieve the desired results. The UAE also stresses the importance of maintaining security and stability as well as the central importance of the Minsk agreements and the need to adhere to them and ensure their implementation. This will contribute to reaching a comprehensive, regional understanding that maintains the security and stability of the concerned countries and addresses all their legitimate concerns.
Third, escalation must be avoided, as it could have a negative impact on civilians and exacerbate the fragile humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine. In this spirit, we stress the importance of considering the humanitarian needs of civilians and of preventing the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the region.
Fourth, respect for and adherence to international law is essential to ensure that the situation in Eastern Europe does not deteriorate further. We also stress the importance of the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and good neighborliness, which are indispensable for the maintenance of international peace and security.
Finally, Madam President, the UAE reiterates the importance of constructive dialogue to resolve differences. The role of the Security Council, as the body responsible for maintaining international peace and security, is essential to provide a diplomatic platform that enables states to present and resolve their differences peacefully.
Thank you.