Delivered by: His Excellency Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé d’Affaires, a.i.

Madam President,

I thank Under-Secretary-General Nakamitsu for her briefing, and we listened carefully to Mr. Kovalik’s remarks.

When the Council last considered the issue of arms transfers in the context of the conflict in Ukraine three months ago, we expressed our concern that the risk of these arms transfers would be compounded if both sides were intent on achieving a military victory and the conflict were to become a protracted one.

Unfortunately, the prospects of reaching a negotiated settlement have not grown appreciably closer in the intervening months. Still, there have been signals of a widening recognition that talks are the inevitable path to a durable peace. The UAE is steadfast in its belief that there simply is no military solution to the war; a sustainable end will have to come through negotiations.

With that in mind, as the war continues, we must mitigate the attendant risks. In all military conflicts, it is vital to safeguard weapons during transfer, storage, and deployment so they may not inadvertently fall into the wrong hands, particularly terrorist groups.

On that note, the UAE welcomes announcements of efforts to mitigate risks associated with arms transfers. That includes plans tailored to the transfer of high-tech weapons systems and regional programs to enhance anti-trafficking capabilities in the region. We also welcome other recent initiatives aimed at strengthening illicit arms trade prevention related to the conflict in Ukraine.

The volume and type of arms involved in this case necessitate greater vigilance and transparency. We support calls, such as that by the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs today, for effective arms control measures.

Madam President,

War is not only inhumane and causes untold suffering, but it is also fraught with unintended consequences. The Council has a responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and an obligation to Ukrainians and people around the world. For its part, the UAE continues to actively support and facilitate mediation and de-escalatory confidence-building measures, and we stand ready to support all efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

Thank you, Madame President.