Delivered by Ms. Sarah Al Awadhi

Madam President,

At the outset, the delegation of the United Arab Emirates would like to thank the Secretary-General of the United Nations for presenting the proposed programme plan and budget for 2025. We also thank the Vice Chair of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, for their valuable briefings.

My delegation aligns itself with the statement delivered by the Republic of Uganda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and we would like to deliver the following statement in our national capacity.

Madam President,

The annual regular budget, the efficient use of resources, and the contributions of the Member States remain essential to the work of the United Nations. They help improving the financial situation of the Organization, and enable it to carry out its mandate effectively, especially with the current “liquidity crisis”. In this regard, we emphasize the importance of timely payment of financial contributions to the regular budget.

With the adoption of the “Pact for the Future” by consensus during the Summit of the Future, my delegation affirms its commitment to international and regional cooperation, and continues to advance its partnerships with the United Nations and its agencies to achieve a sustainable, prosperous and secure future for all.

As the war on Gaza continues, and the violence has expanded to include the occupied Palestinian territory and other countries in the region, my country stresses the importance of providing UNRWA with sufficient financial resources for 2025, to enable it to implement its critical mandate. We also emphasize the importance of providing the necessary funding to the Senior Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza, to support her role, and enable her to implement her continued mandate under Security Council Resolution 2720, to ensure delivering humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, and alleviate the continuing suffering of civilians.

Finally, Madam President, the United Arab Emirates looks forward to engaging constructively and positively in the discussions of this session.

Thank you.