Delivered by: Ms. Nouf Al Hameli
Madam President,
The UAE aligns with the statements delivered by the Arab Group and the Non-Aligned Movement.
The vast expanse of outer space offers endless opportunities and possibilities.
As the world stands on the cusp of unprecedented technological progress, it is important to emphasize the need to preserve the principle of the peaceful use of outer space to ensure that advanced technological resources and knowledge gained through outer space activities are utilized for the benefit of all humankind and harnessed to promote peace and sustainable development on planet Earth.
In this regard, the UAE applauds the United Nations’ initiatives aimed at limiting the weaponization of outer space and believes in the need to strengthen international multilateral cooperation on issues related to preventing an arms race in outer space and stresses the necessity for all states to adhere to the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which played a positive role in promoting its peaceful use and regulating its activities.
My country emphasizes the need for all parties to meet their obligations not to
place nuclear weapons and other armaments of mass destruction in Earth’s orbit or
any part of space and to maintain the peaceful character of outer space and ensure that
it remains a threat-free zone.
In this context, my country believes that it is necessary to encourage the
principle of shared responsibility and responsible behavior of States toward keeping
outer space free of weapons or activities that would undermine peace efforts. This
includes preventing access to outer space technologies to non-state actors who may
misuse them, as well as efforts that would limit innovation and the ability to practice
scientific and exploratory activities.
From this podium, we encourage all States to share knowledge and expertise to
raise awareness about best practices in harnessing scientific resources to study the
negative effects of outer space weaponization.
Madam President,
The UAE affirms the right of all nations to the peaceful use of outer space, which
is seen as a fundamental pillar in enhancing the inclusive use of space and providing
an opportunity for all countries to harness technological advances in space for
scientific and developmental purposes. This right is especially important for
developing countries that aspire to explore outer space and build their technical
capabilities with the aim of improving the quality of human life, which cannot be
achieved without the prevention of an arms race in outer space and the dire
consequences they lead to.
Finally, the UAE welcomes the adoption of the report by the Group of Governmental Experts on Further Practical Measures to Prevent an Arms Race in Outer Space by consensus in August 2024. We also support efforts to merge the two Open-Ended Working Groups created in connection with outer space discussions for their role in achieving progress on preventing an arms race in outer space.
Thank you, Madam President.