Mr. President,
Allow me at the beginning to express to you my appreciation and gratitude for convening this important meeting at this critical time, which requires quick response and co
ordination of international efforts. I also would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Iraq for all his efforts.

Mr. President,
The United Arab Emirates reaffirms its support for the security, stability and territorial integrity of Iraq and welcomes the recently formed government of national unity under the leadership of His Excellency Haider al-Abadi, Prime Minister, which deserves full supp
ort of th
e international community. The United Arab Emirates also emphasizes the importance of rejecting the sectarian and exclusionary policies, which ignited all the political and security crises affecting Iraq.
The United Arab Emirates stands firmly against all those who attempt to compromise the security and stability of Iraq, and reaffirms its support for international efforts aiming at combating the terrorism of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The United Arab Emirates has repeatedly stressed its position during the NATO Summit held in Wales, in its support for Resolution No. 7816 of the League of Arab States, in Jeddah meeting, which was held with the American Secretary of State, Mr. John Kerry, and in Paris Conference on Peace and Security in Iraq.
Mr. President,
The United Arab Emirates believes that the war against ISIS should not lead to the marginalization of the Sunni community- which must play an essential and important part in the political future of Iraq, or intervention of foreign powers with subversive agendas. The security of Iraq is part of the region’s security, and it is important for all of us to maintain Iraq’s political and geographical unity.
ISIS must be prevented from establishing a safe haven for extremists in our region. This can be achieved through immediate and comprehensive international action in coordination with the Iraqi Government, which concludes with the development of a comprehensive international strategy. The danger of terrorism is not limited to this terrorist organization, but also extends to include the ongoing conflicts in Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, North Africa and the African Sahel region. These terrorist groups continue to exploit the chaos in Syria to achieve their goals, without the slightest regard to sovereignty or national borders. The crimes of this organization and other terrorist organizations have no boundaries and are committed under opportunist slogans that have no relevance to any religious faith or norms. Terrorism grows in environments plagued with sectarianism and extremism and announce itself as an alternative to attracts a larger number of deceived people for achieving their vicious goals.
In this context, I want to point out that the issue of foreign fighters has become a persistent preoccupation for many countries of the world, especially in light of the increasing numbers of those fighters, where extremists try to establish safe havens in areas suffering from conflicts in order to recruit more fighters and ensure their continuity. We also would like to affirm that we are facing a vicious and dangerous phenomenon that threatens entire communities and countries beyond the Arabic and Islamic worlds.
Therefore, international solutions for containing the threat of these terrorist groups should be developed and based on uprooting the causes of extremism. Also the international partnership to combat terrorism must be built on long-term goals and not limited to combating ISIS only.
Mr. President,
The United Arab Emirates, affirms its total rejection of violence and extremism. It confirms its commitment to the values of tolerance and moderation, and its readiness to cooperate with the international partners and moderate forces in combating terrorism. We further emphasize the importance of working on preventing political and popular tensions in Iraq through adopting a genuine and comprehensive national program for renouncing violence and bringing together the Iraqi people, including all its factions, without any exclusion.
In this context, the United Arab Emirates is convinced that the Kurds have proved their ability to undertake an important part in the Iraqi Government, and in turn, we commend their effective role in fighting ISIS, and we hope that the Kurdistan region remains strong, stable and an integral part of the Republic of Iraq.
The United Arab Emirates has always supported the Iraqi people in all circumstances, including its support for the political process and the national reconciliation efforts, and has always provided humanitarian aid to the people affected by violence and instability in Iraq, and will certainly continue this endeavor.
Finally, I wish to point out that the United Arab Emirates welcomes the Security Council resolutions concerning the fight against terrorism and suppression of its resources for recruitment and financing, and in particular Security Council resolution 2170. In this context, we emphasize the importance of the continued role of the international community in providing its constructive and full support to the Iraqi government.
Thank you