UAE Statement At the Security Council Open Debate on The Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Countering Terrorism in Africa

Delivered by: HE Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Mr. President, I would like to begin by commending Algeria for organising this timely debate and to thank Minister Attaf for presiding over today’s discussions. I also thank Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, and Mr. Said Djinnit for their informative briefings. Mr. President, As we

UAE Statement At the UN Security Council Open Debate on The Situation in the Middle East Including the Palestinian Question

Delivered By: HE Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Mr. President, I would like to begin by commending Algeria for its leadership of the Presidency of the Council this month, and by thanking Minister Attaf for presiding over the meeting this morning. As this is the first time I address the Security Council this year,

UAE Intervention At the Ministerial-level Meeting on International Support to the Government of Yemen

Delivered By: HE Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Thank you, Minister. I would like to begin by welcoming Prime Minister Ahmad Awad Bin Mubarak and his accompanying delegation, and to thank you, Minister Hamish Falconer, and the UK Mission, for bringing us together for this important discussion. We commend Prime Minister Bin Mubarak and

Statement of the United Arab Emirates At the Security Council Meeting on Sudan

Delivered By: His Excellency Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Mr. President, I would like to begin by thanking Secretary Blinken and the United States for convening this critical discussion on Sudan’s humanitarian crisis, and welcome your continued leadership in addressing this devastating situation. After more than 18 months of conflict, we are witnessing a

UAE Statement At the High-Level Meeting to Mark the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Delivered By: His Excellency Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Mr. President, Thank you for your thoughtful remarks and for convening this event to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. I am grateful to Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and Executive Director Sima Bahous for their valuable

UAE Statement at the General Assembly Session on the Agenda Item Sport for Development and Peace

Delivered by: Ms. Aysha Almenhali UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Check against delivery Mr. President, At the outset, I would like to thank the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report.  which contained valuable information and constructive recommendations aiming at advancing our collective efforts in harnessing sport as an effective tool in advancing sustainable development and peace. Today, we are

UAE Statement At the General Assembly Plenary Meeting on Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council

Delivered By: His Excellency Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Mr. President, Thank you for convening this debate, and for the commitment to advancing the Security Council reform process. The United Arab Emirates aligns itself with the statement delivered by the Kingdom of Bahrain on behalf of the Arab Group. I congratulate Ambassador AlBanai and